We work with you to review and plan for your current and future workforce needs. Workforce planning optimises costs and boosts productivity by having the optimal workforce in place.
Employer Branding and Employer Value Proposition (EVP) go hand in hand. Your Employer Branding is your voice as an employer, and informs perspective new employees of who you are and why they should work for you. Is vital to your Talent Attraction strategy. We can work with you to create your EVP and your employer voice, to enable you to be an employer of choice.
Recruitment processes need to be efficient and effective. They need to also be compliant with employment law, by ensuring there are no discriminative practices, and that personal information is held in compliance with GDPR regulations. We will work with you to optimise your recruitment process to ensure you get the best talent, and stay on the right side of the law.
We can help you find the right candidates for your open positions, from job postings and candidate screening to interviewing and hiring. Ensure you are advertising in the right way and on the right platforms to attract the best applicants to apply.
Poor retention of employees is not only costly, but damaging to your Employer Brand. Replacing one employee can cost roughly £30,000, and cost you time and productivity whilst you recruit and train a new employee. We help you identify potential issues that could lead to poor retention and aim to mitigate as much as possible.
We offer training for hiring managers on how to interview effectively, and best practice to avoid any potential discrimination.